Duke Calendar of Scientific Events
Scientific events and research presentations at Duke University are listed on the Duke Events Calendar.
Save the date: 6/29/2012 - State of the Department of Medicine address
Faculty members of the Department of Medicine are encouraged to plan to attend Medicine Grand Rounds the morning of June 29, 2012.
Maestro Care: Wave 1 & 2 clinic training registration now open
Registration is now open for Maestro Care Ambulatory Wave 1 & 2 clinic providers, nurses, clinical support staff, front desk staff and super users.
Faculty Town Halls on April 26: Update on Duke Medicine Enterprise-Wide Planning
The Duke Medicine Enterprise-Wide Planning (EWP) is at the halfway point in its
DEEP epigenetics meeting on April 25
The next Duke Epigenetics & Epigenomics Program (DEEP) meeting will be on Wed., April 25, 4:00 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.
Medicine Grand Rounds 4/27/2012: Acute Recurrent and Chronic Pancreatitis
Medicine Grand Rounds on Fri., Ap