Grand Rounds 7/15/2011: Ben Powers on blood pressure measurement
Medicine Grand Rounds this Fri., July 15 at 8am in Duke Hospital room 2002 will feature Benjamin Powers, MD, MHS, assistant professor of
Rheumatology training program renewed
David Pisetsky, MD, PhD, professor of medicine (Rheumatology), recently learned that the Division of Rheumatology T32 t
SOM news: Pappas appointed vice dean for medical affairs
Dean Nancy Andrews, MD, PhD, sent this note to School of Medicine faculty today:
I am pleased to share with you the news that Ted Pa
Weekly Update: July 10, 2011 - Week 3
The Internal Medicine Residency newsletter is posted each week to share important news, announcements and updates about the residency program.
Funding opp: Sloan Research Fellowships for early-career scientists
The Sloan Research Fellowships seek to stimulate fundamental research by early-career scientists and scholars of outstanding promise. These two-yea
Funding opp: Vilcek Prize for Creative Promise
The Vilcek Prize for Creative Promise recognizes foreign-born artists and scientists who have demonstrated exceptional creativity
Your Virtual Mentor: Pearl #6
Pearl #6 from John Perfect on writing a career development award: “If you’re re-submitting an application, the tone of your response to reviewers is key.
DUHS news: Cuffe appointed DUHS VP for ambulatory services
Victor Dzau, Bill Fulkerson and Carl Ravin announced Mon, June 27 that Mike Cuffe, MD, MBA, associate profess or medicine (Cardiology) ha