Duke's Endocrinology Fellowship Program offers a comprehensive didactic educational curriculum that is designed to complement fellows’ clinical- and research-based learning.
1) Core weekly conferences, which provide didactic and interactive opportunities to discuss clinical management, pathophysiology, emerging literature, and other subjects:
- Endocrinology Clinical Case Conference (Tuesdays 8-9 AM): Case Conference allows fellows to discuss interesting and/or challenging cases with faculty and other fellows in a highly interactive, collaborative, and learning-based atmosphere.
- Endocrinology Fellows Lecture Series (Tuesdays 12-1 PM): A comprehensive curriculum of didactic educational lectures given by faculty, the Lecture Series curriculum is carefully designed to complement fellows' clinical learning experiences.
- Medicine Grand Rounds (Friday 8-9 AM): The Department of Medicine (DOM)’s flagship conference, Medicine Grand Rounds covers topics in clinical medicine, quality improvement, and clinical/translational/basic research.
- Endocrine Self-Assessment Program (1st, 3rd and 5th Friday 2-3 PM): This collaborative board review session provides a broad review of high-yield Endocrinology topics, with an emphasis on strategies for board preparation.
- Endocrinology Journal Club (2nd & 4th Friday 2-3 PM): Our Journal Club teaches fellows to become experts in critical appraisal of medical literature, while covering a variety of current clinical and basic science topics.
- Endocrinology Grand Rounds (Fridays 3-4 PM): The Division's flagship conference, Endocrinology Grand Rounds covers cutting-edge topics in clinical Endocrinology, clinical research, and basic/translational research.
- Multidisciplinary conferences: These conferences bring together Endocrinologists, Surgeons, Radiologists, and Pathologists to focus on management of complex multidisciplinary cases. They include Endocrine Tumor Board (Mondays 4-5 PM), Thyroid Cytopathology conference (Tuesdays 8-9 AM monthly), and Pituitary Conference (Wednesday 7-8 AM monthly).
2) Additional educational programs, which offer Clinical and Research Track fellows additional chances to develop skills and knowledge that will benefit them on their chosen paths:
Fellow Research Academy (FRA): A longitudinal support program tailored for Department of Medicine fellows planning careers as clinical or bench researchers.
Society for Early Education Scholars (SEEDS): A mentored education program designed for Department of Medicine fellows planning careers as clinician educators or education scholars.
Career Preparation Retreat Series: A forum for Department of Medicine fellows to explore important career navigation skills common to all Internal Medicine subspecialties.
Fellows Advocacy Curriculum: An elective track available to any fellow with an interest in health policy and/or advocacy; fellows develop their own advocacy platform and present it to legislators in Washington, D.C.
Endocrinology QI curriculum: Our program's comprehensive QI curriculum includes module-based training, a group project, and individual mentored QI work.
Grantsmanship and medical writing seminars: Offered by the Duke Office for Faculty Development, enhance fellows’ ability to successfully compete for research funding.
3) The Duke University School of Medicine's Clinical Research Training Program (CRTP) provides physicians, investigators and other healthcare professionals with the rigorous academic training required to excel in today's dynamic clinical research environment. All Endocrinology fellows have the opportunity to participate in CRTP coursework as part of their training, and all interested Research Track fellows are supported to complete a Master’s in Health Sciences degree during their second and third years of fellowship.