Elizabeth Hurlock Beckman Award seeks nominations
The Elizabeth Hurlock Beckman Award Advisory Committee is currently seeking nominations for the 2013 Beckman Award.
Resident Research Night
Resident Research Night 2013 is June 4th from 5:30-7:30 p.m. in the Searle Center Conference Hall.
Duke Bioinformatics Workshop 7/29-8/1/13
The 2013 Duke Bioinformatics Workshop builds upon the success of eight previous years of Duke Bioinformatics workshops that have trained more than 340 researchers in the use of public
6/3/13: Peer mentoring session on research funding flow in DOM
Don't forget there will be a peer mentoring session on Mon., June 3 from 12-1 p.m. in 1103 Duke North.
Duke Medicine Pavilion grand opening events set for June 13 and 15
Duke University Hospital will host several events to celebrate the grand opening of the new Duke Medicine Pavilion.
Research Conference 5/31/13: Dynamic Regulation of Epstein-Barr Virus-Mediated B Cell Immortalization
The Medicine Research Conference returns Fri., May 31 at 12 p.m. in Duke Hospital 2002 with a presentation by Micah Luftig, PhD, assistant professor, M
Funding opp: The Butler Pioneer Award for Outstanding Young Physician-Scientists
A generous bequest from the Clarence C. and Sarah T.
Funding opp: Vilcek Prize for Creative Promise
The Vilcek Prize for Creative Promise recognizes foreign-born artists and scientists who have demonstrated exceptional