Perfect awarded 5-year program project grant from NIAID
John Perfect, MD, professor of medicine and chief of the Division of Infectious Diseases, received notification today from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases of a program project award (P01) for his proposal entitled “Transdisciplinary Program to Identify Novel Antifungal Targets and Inhibitors." This award, effective 6/25/15, will last five years and, with its cores, total $9,277,000.
Bloomfield discusses Duke Medicine mobile technology
Ricky Bloomfield, MD, assistant professor of internal medicine (pediatrics) and director of mobile technology strategy for
Yancy named program director for Duke Diet and Fitness Center
Will Yancy, MD, MHS, associate professor of medicine (General Inte
Peterson quoted in NYTimes feature on drop in deaths from heart disease
Eric Peterson, MD, professor of medicine and executive director of the Duke Clinical Research Institute, was quoted in the New York Times in a front-page story about the nationwide quality movement in the management of acute myocardial infarction.
Research: Heart patients can stop blood thinner when undergoing elective surgery
Patients with atrial fibrillation who stopped taking blood thinners before they had elective surgery had no higher risk of developing blood clots and less risk of major bleeding compared to patient
Duke Human Vaccine Team awarded $5 million to study fungal fever
The Duke Human Vaccine Institute’s Vaccine and Treatment Evaluation Unit has been awarded a $5 million contract from the National Institute of Allergy and Infect
New study from Yancy, Oddone, Voils examines the effects of diet choice on weight loss
New research from a team including lead author William Yancy, MD (left), as well a