Leadership Spotlight: Dr. Stefanie Sarantopoulos is Bringing Science and Clinicians Together
Dr. Stefanie Sarantopoulos grew up in the Connecticut textile mill town of Danielson, where her Greek immigrant grandparents settled.
Dr. Omobonike Oloruntoba-Sanders: Empowering Diversity in Medicine with the MRRC
Embedded within the fabric of Duke's Department of Medicine (DOM) Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Office lies the Minority Recruitment & Retention Committee (MRRC), a beacon of support for underrepresented medical students, trainees, and faculty. At the helm of this transformative initiative stands Dr. Omobonike Oloruntoba-Sanders, serving as co-chair of the MRRC with a focus on trainee liaison, her leadership driving the committee's mission of fostering inclusivity and equity.
DOM Community Equity at a Division Level
The Duke Department of Medicine Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion’s goal to build an equitable community includes a division-level focus, and it is being led in large part by women. &n
Dr. Bryan Batch: Nurturing a Diverse Workforce in Clinical Research
In the dynamic landscape of the Duke Department of Medicine (DOM), Bryan Batch, MD emerges as a leader of change and progress, championing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) as the Duke Faculty
Dr. Kimberly Johnson: Creating Communities of Health Equity Investigators
The only thing about Kimberly Johnson, MD, MHS, that may be stronger than her trailblazing research record on health equity is her passion and dedication for promoting rigorous scientific studies to understand why inequity occurs in health care settings, and how best to address it.
Leadership Spotlight: Knocking Down Silos and Building Bridges
In October 2023, Megan E.B. Clowse, MD, MPH, an internationally recognized expert in the field of rheumatology and immunology, stepped into her new role in the Duke University Department of Medicine as the division chief of Rheumatology and Immunology. She plans to continue the expansion and forward trajectory of the division.
2024 Resident Match Day: Duke Welcomes Its Newest Intern Class
The Duke Internal Medicine Residency Program and the Duke Department of Medicine congratulate newly matched medical students who participated in the 2024 National Resident Matching Program. We are excited to welcome our new residents.
Dr. Laura Svetkey: Championing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
In academia, pursuing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) has evolved from an admirable ideal to an essential component of institutional excellence.