Save the date 10/23/13: Humanities in Medicine Lecture Series
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DoM Research Administration update on federal government shutdown
Laurianne Torres, director of DoM Research Administration, has prepared the following note about grant submissions and funding during government shutdown:
As you are likely aware, the Federa
Funding opp: IAS and Pfizer offer new grant with focus on reducing cardiovascular risk
The International Atherosclerosis Society (IAS) and Pfizer are collaborating to offer a new grant opportunity focused on improving care for patients with medium or high levels of cardiovascular risk,
Funding opp: 2014 Clinical Scientist Development Award Competition
Pre-proposals are being sought from junior physician-scientist faculty conducting clinical research in any disease area for the Clinical Scientist Development Award funded by The Dori
Save the date 11/8-11/9: Conference on improving care for sickle cell disease
The Duke University Comprehensive Sickle Cell Program is hosting a 2-day joint conference with experts from Duke University and UNC-Chapel Hill.
How does the federal government shutdown affect research funding?
Duke University's Office of Federal Relations is posting regular updates on how the Federal Governmen