Grand Rounds 7/1/2011: Harry Goforth on pain medicine
Medicine Grand Rounds this Fri., July 1 at 8am in Duke Hospital room 2002 will feature Harold Goforth, MD,
assistant professor of med
A conversation: Part-time schedules, caregiving and balance in medical careers
In Don't Quit this Day Job, a recent New York Times OP/ED essay, Los Angeles anesthesiologist Karen Sibert, MD vo
Hot Topics in Internal Medicine - Oct. 21
UPDATE 9.26.2011: This event has been canceled.
Mark your calendars and plan to join the Department of Medicine for a day-long CME offering of presentations and discussions about int
Your Virtual Mentor: Pearl #5
Pearl #5 from John Perfect on writing a career development award: “If reviewers say “too ambitious”, they really mean “not sufficiently focused”. Ambition is good!
View slides, listen to audio of State of the Department of Medicine 2011
The annual State of the Department of Medicine address by Mary Klotman, MD, chair of the department, took place Wed., June 22.
Klotman was joined by Monica Kraft, MD, vice chair for research, and Lau
Outstanding fellowship match & successful Resident Research night
What a great day we had yesterday in the residency program!