Williams teaches course in China
Dr. John Williams just returned from an exciting trip to China, teaching a clinical research methods course to the local physicians
Internal Medicine Residency News, July 30, 2018
Catch up with the Duke Internal Medicine Residency Program by reading the weekly newsletter for July 30, 2018.
A Special Welcome
It has been 40 years since Randall Moorman, MD, had his best year as a doctor, during his intern year at Duke University Hospital. “While I have been lucky and stumbled upon success professionally in a number of ways, including being Chief Resident at Duke, I have said a jillion times that my intern year was my greatest professional effort, followed by my JAR year,” said Dr. Moorman.
Funding opp: DIHI emerging ideas and innovation pilot studies
Duke Institute for Health Innovation has announced the next emerging ideas and innovation funding cycle for demonstration pilots. The deadline for submitting applications is 6 p.m. Friday, Sept. 28, 2018.
Save the date 9/12/18: SoM Basic Science Day
The School of Medicine will host Basic Science Day from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. on Wed., Sept. 12, in the Great Hall of the Trent Semans Center.
2018 Snyderman Summer Scholars to continue research in Applied Genomics & Precision Medicine
Goldberg presents MGR on the VA
Duke GIM Associate Professor of Medicine and Chief of Staff for the Durham VA Healthcare System, Ken Goldberg, MD, delivered Duke Medicine Grand rounds this past Friday, July 27.
Department announces first recipients of new health data science funding program
Joseph Rogers, MD, interim chair of the Department of Medicine, has notified four Medicine faculty that they will receive funding under the new Chair’s Pilot Project Grants in Health Data Science.
DGIM launches Clinician Corner!
DGIM announces the launch of Clinician Corner, a webpage of quick-link topics geared toward our clinicians and educators.
Meet your chief resident: Norman "Winn" Seay
Norman “Winn” Seay, MD, is the 2018-2019 chief resident for internal medicine at Duke Regional Hospital and for Ambulatory Medicine. Dr. Seay is a graduate of Duke University and received his MD at Harvard Medical School.