Residency volunteer program at Lincoln Community Health Center is up and running
Three internal medicine residents have launched a volunteer program at Lincoln Community Health Center, aimed at strengthening the bond between Duke and Lincoln while helping to meet the needs of a vulnerable population.
Yuval Patel awarded first prize for poster at Durham VA's research week event
Yuval Patel, MD, a fellow in gastroenterology, was award first prize in the Durham VA's Early Investigator Po
Sipkins leads team working to block breast cancer cells from hiding in bones
Scientists at the Duke Cancer Institute have identified a molecular key that breast cancer cells use to invade bone marrow in
Bartlett recognized for research by N.C. Community AIDS Fund
Congratulations to John Bartlett, MD, for receiving a North Carolina Community AID
Funding opp: Hartwell Individual Biomedical Research Award
The Hartwell Foundation considers Duke University as one of its Top Ten Centers of Biomedical Research in the United States, and
Reporting from SGIM 2016
Post submitted by Karen Goldstein, MD, MSPH
This year’s Society for General Internal Medicine (SGIM)
Medicine Grand Rounds highlights Resident Research
The Department of Medicine hosted a special Medicine Grand Rounds on Fri., May 20, that featured research by Duke Internal Medicine Residents. The event included a poster session of resident research and presentations by four residents. Each of the four presenters received a Califf Medicine Research Award, the annual research prizes dedicated to promoting resident research.