Internal Medicine Residency News, June 25, 2018
Catch up with the Duke Internal Medicine Residency Program by reading the weekly newsletter for June 25, 2018.
Glass presents at Duke's NASH day
GIM's own Oliver Glass, PhD, presents on "Focus on diet and exercise in NAFLD" (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease).
One year down, one to go
Gray's cartoon in AAHPM quarterly
Palliative Care physician and amateur cartoonist, Nathan Gray, MD, has been published in the most recent issue of AAHPM Quarterly.
Internal Medicine Residency News, June 18, 2018
Catch up with the Duke Internal Medicine Residency Program by reading the weekly newsletter for June 18, 2018.
Peyser leads pilot project: culinary medicine
Over 2 years ago, Dr. Bruce Peyser received funding to start a pilot project with Duke medical students to teach learners about nutrition.
Register today: George Gopen's Writing from the Reader's Perspective
The School of Medicine Office for Faculty Development has opened registration for George Gopen's Writing from the Reader's Perspective.
2018 GIM philanthropic giving
Learn more about the four generous philanthropic gifts that GIM recently received to l help accelerate our Division
Duke's Interventional Pulmonology Program featured on Duke Today
Duke's Interventional Pulmonology Program was recently featured on Duke Today. Read more about the team.
DOM-RA staff to raise money for childhood cancer charity
On Friday, June 8, the staff of the Department of Medicine Research Administration (DOM-RA) held a lemonade stand, bake sale, and raffle for Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation's annual "Lemonade Days."