Basic research initiatives are important for the understanding and treatment of infectious diseases.
Researchers in the Duke Division of Infectious Diseases work to discover the mysteries surrounding infectious diseases, including tuberculosis, HIV, and other viral diseases.
There are many basic research tracks that students or other researchers can pursue alongside current investigators. The following table introduces the basic research initiatives and the investigators associated with each initiative.
Basic Research Initiatives
Bacterial pathogenesis
- Sonali Advani, MD
- Arthur Baker, MD, MPH
- Vivian Chu, MD, MHS
- Vance Fowler, MD, MHS
- Stacey Maskarinec, MD, PhD
- Megan Reller, MD
- Joshua Thaden, MD, PhD
- Nick Turner, MD
- Christopher Woods, MD, MPH
Molecular mycology and fungal pathogenesis
- Barbara Alexander, MD, MHS
- Andrew Alspaugh, MD
- Gary Cox, MD
- Joseph Heitman, MD, PhD
- Melissa Johnson, PharmD, MHS
- Thuy Le, MD, PhD
- Jennifer Lodge, PhD
- Julia Messina, MD
- John Perfect, MD
- Ilan Schwartz, MD, PhD
- Julie Steinbrink, MD, MHS
- Jenny Tenor, PhD
- Dena Toffaletti, PhD
- Aimee Zaas, MD
Mycobacterial genetics
- Richard Frothingham, MD, FACP
Malarial Studies
- Wendy O'Meara, PhD
- Steve Taylor, MD, MPH
Viral pathogenesis
- Micah McClain, MD, PhD
- Christopher Woods, MD, MPH
HIV pathogenesis and immunology
- Christopher Beyrer, MD
- Maria Blasi, PhD
- Mary Klotman, MD
- Mehri McKellar, MD
Clinical Microbiology
- Barbara Alexander, MD
- Maria Joyce, MD
- Christopher Polage, MD