Division Events

Please watch this page for upcoming events hosted by the Division of Infectious Diseases, including our Grand Rounds. Here's our Looped In for April 2024 announcing our enrolling clinical research studies, upcoming Grand Rounds, and our Divisional Good News. 


Registration is Now Open!

9th Annual Transplant Infectious Diseases Symposium

Next Generation Diagnostics in the Immunocompromised Host

We will be holding our 9th Annual Transplant Infectious Diseases Symposium on the morning of May 8, 2024, in the Trent Semans Auditorium. We are excited to announce our list of speakers. Our symposium is funded through our NIH NIAID T32-AI100851. 


Transplant Infectious Diseases Symposium Flyer

Please direct any questions regarding missing events to Lori College at 919-749-9591.