Our researchers test vaccines, medications, and therapies to combat the spread of infectious diseases and treat the symptoms.
There are many clinical research tracks that students and other researchers can pursue alongside current investigators. The following table presented in alphabetical order introduces the clinical research initiatives and the investigators associated with each.
Clinical Research Initiatives
Adult AIDS Clinical Trials Group
- John Bartlett, MD
- Charles Burns, MD
- Mehri McKellar, MD
- Susanna Naggie, MD
- Nathan Thielman, MD, MPH
- Lance Okeke, MD, MPH
Antimicrobial Evaluation Unit
- Deverick Anderson, MD, MPH
- Richard Drew, PharmD
- Melissa Johnson, PharmD
- Rebekah Moehring, MD, MPH
Biodefense and bio procedures
- Cameron Wolfe, MBBS, FRACP
- Christopher Woods, MD, MPH
- Lawrence Parks, PhD
- Michael Yarrington, MD
Bone, Joint, and Surgical Site Infections and Outcomes
- Kristen Dicks, MD
- Edward Hendershot, MD
- Jessica Seidelman, MD, MPH
Epidemiology and outcomes of bacterial infections
- Vivian Chu, MD, MHS
- Vance Fowler, MD, MHS
- Thomas Holland, MD
- Stacey Maskarinec, MD, PhD
- Josh Thaden, MD, PhD
- Nicholas Turner, MD
Health Care Epidemiology and Infection Control (Duke, DICON and DASON)
- Deverick Anderson, MD, MPH
- Arthur Baker, MD, MPH
- Elizabeth Dodds Ashley, Pharm D
- Richard H. Drew, Pharm D
- Erin Gettler, MD
- Melissa Johnson, Pharm D
- Sarah Lewis, MD, MPH
- Rebekah Moehring, MD, MPH
- ​Becky Smith, MD
- S. Shaefer, Spires, MD
HIV Clinical Research: Acute HIV infection, HIV-Testing Research, and HIV-Hepatitis Co-Infection
- Charles Burns, MD
- Gary Cox, MD
- Mary Klotman, MD
- Mehri McKellar, MD
- Susanna Naggie, MD
- Lance Okeke, MD
International Collaboration on Endocarditis (ICE)
- Vivian Chu, MD, MHS
- Vance Fowler, MD, MHS
International Programs
- John Bartlett, MD
- John Crump, MD
- Thuy Le, MD, PhD
- Deng Mdut, MD
- Megan Reller, MD
- Matthew T. Rubach, MD
- Nathan Thielman, MD, MPH
- Gayani Tillekeratne, MD
- Chris Woods, MD, MPH
Transplant Infectious Diseases and Immunocompromised Host Research
- Barbara Alexander, MD, MHS
- Sana Arif, MD
- Arthur Baker, MD, MPH
- Manuela Carugati, MD
- Madeleine R. Heldman, MD
- Jonathan Huggins, MD
- Eileen Maziarz, MD
- Julia Messina, MD
- Rachel A. Miller, MD
- John Perfect, MD
- Ilan Schwartz, MD, PhD
- Jennifer H. Saullo, MD, PharmD
- Julie Steinbrink, MD
- Patrick Tam, MD
- Cameron Wolfe, MBBS, FRACP
Tuberculosis (TB) program
- Jason Stout, MD, MHS
Veterans (VA) Research
- Christopher Hostler, MD
- Maria Joyce, MD
- Micah McClain, MD, PhD
- Susanna Naggie, MD
- Megan Reller, MD
- Christopher Shoff, MD
- Christopher Woods, MD, MPH