Fellows will undertake two years of full-time research training in a basic science research laboratory supervised by an ID faculty member. Areas of research include: bacterial pathogenesis; drug resistance and drug development; fungal pathogenesis and molecular mycology; genome-based approaches to infectious diseases; HIV immunology; the microbiome; parasitology; mycobacterial genetics; vaccine development; and viral pathogenesis and surveillance.
Usually research training will be supervised by one of the Division faculty. However, a fellow’s request to train in a Duke research laboratory in another department will be considered, provided the following conditions are met:
The field of research is within the scope of academic infectious diseases.
A specific research training program is defined, which is consistent with the current goals and activities of the Infectious Disease Division.
The proposed supervisor is a full-time Duke faculty member with his or her own established research laboratory.
The proposed supervisor assists in providing financial support for the trainee for the period of training.
Current and Former Trainees

Josh Thaden, MD, PhD (July 2014-2017)
Research Focus: Epidemiology, pathogenesis, and treatment of Gram-Negative infections
Stacey A. Maskarinec, MD, PhD (July 2015-June 2018)
Research Focus: Host-Pathogen Interactions in Staphylococcus aureus Cardiac Device Infections

Nicholas Turner, MD (July 2017-June 2019)
Research Focus: Molecular epidemiology of drug-resistant pathogens