Healthcare epidemiology fellows pursuing training in Infection Prevention receive formal and informal training in the principles and practice of infection prevention. Fellows are integrated into the operations of the Duke Infection Prevention and Hospital Epidemiology (IPHE) program and the Duke Infection Control Outreach Network (DICON).
- Perform and validate surveillance for healthcare associated infections (HAI).
- Appreciate implications of public reporting of HAI rates.
- Understand current methods of risk-adjustment for inter- and intra-facilities comparison of HAI rates.
- Gain insight into health system organizational structures and decision-making
- Critically review data supporting best practices in infection prevention.
- Conduct outbreak investigations.
- Design and implement quality improvement projects.
Additional training in:
- Principles of disinfection and sterilization
- Infection control risk assessment related to construction activities
- Employee and Occupational Health
- Communicable Disease Reporting
- Quality Improvement and Implementation Science