Developing New Tools to Fight Cancer
For decades, medical cancer treatment has generally meant chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery, alone or in combination. But things are changing rapidly. Today, new approaches such as immunotherapies and targeted therapies are becoming available, with many more in research and development. In many cases, the new treatments are more effective, with fewer side effects.
Resident Recruitment Season Gets Underway with Renewed Focus on Success
Over the last year, efforts have further stepped up with the inclusion of a core underrepresented in Medicine (URiM) recruitment team, re-training in holistic review, and the additional of Minority Recruitment and Retention (MRRC) members to the IM ranking committee.
The VCC: Remote Written Second Opinions and e-Communications
Read more on the Virtual Care Clinic series
Internal Medicine Residency News, October 17th, 2022
Doctoberfest, Flu Shots, and having a voting plan!
Ebony Boulware, MD, MPH, named Dean of Wake Forest University School of Medicine
Boulware will begin her new role in January 2023
Stepping In 4 Respect Workshop provides techniques and tools to respond to implicit bias
GIM Fall workshops are being held throughout October and November and faculty and trainees are strongly encouraged to sign up.
Funding Opportunity for DOM Educators: POCUS Curriculum
Applications are due October 20, 2022, with a goal to start funding on January 1, 2023
Mark Heath: A Survivor’s Story
Read Heath's story Heath and how community interventions, like the RACE-CARS pragmatic cluster-randomized trial, saved his life.