Clinical Rotations
Inpatient service- 6-months in total on Transplant Nephrology Consult Service to see all patients within the first year of transplant and patients beyond 1-year with primary allograft related issues.
Outpatient clinic- Will see transplant outpatients throughout the course of the year to see all aspects of patient care, from transplant donor and recipient evaluations to post-transplant care, with an emphasis on continuity of patient care, in particular encouraging the fellows to follow newly transplanted patients they meet in the inpatient setting throughout their fellowship.
HLA laboratory rotation- Through 2 weeks HLA laboratory rotation, fellows will observe the performance and interpretation of laboratory testing germane to clinical transplantation. The fellows will also observe flow- and complement dependent cytotoxicity- cross-matching, and learn how to translate these quantitative results into clinical decision making.
Pathology review- Will review each of the transplant biopsies with David Howell MD, PhD, Duke’s dedicated nephropathologist.
Observed donor and recipient surgeries- Will attend three organ procurements (including living and deceased donors) and three transplants (including living and deceased donor kidneys).

Administrative Conferences
Donor and recipient selection committee meetings: Monday, 2:30pm to 5pm
Living donor and paired exchange committee meetings: Friday, noon to 1pm
Quality and performance improvement meetings: Quarterly, on Wednesday (Feb, May, Aug, Nov), 4pm to 5pm
Program retreats: Quarterly, Monday (Feb, May, Aug, Nov), 5pm to 7pm
Morbidity and mortality conference: Second Wednesday of each month

Core Content
Duke transplant center core curriculum: Second Thursday of each month, noon
Journal club and seminal literature review
Teaching general nephrology transplant curriculum
What does a weekly schedule look like?