Hospital Medicine News

Colby Feeney, MD, Named Med-Peds Residency Program Director

Colby Feeney, MD, hospitalist and assistant professor in the Division of General Internal Medicine with a secondary appointment in the Department of Pediatrics, will assume the role of program director for the Medicine-Pediatrics Residency Program effective September 15, 2022. 

Long affiliated with the program, Feeney, currently serves as its associate program director, a role she has held since 2018. 

Hospital Medicine Updates

The month of July brought many new updates for the hospital medicine program at Duke. 

Fuad Bohsali, MD, is the new Medical Director of Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN) and Perioperative Nutrition Support at Duke Regional Hospital. 

7 GIM faculty promoted to Associate Professor

Congratulations to seven of our faculty members who are receiving distinguished academic promotions in the division of General Internal Medicine!

“It gives me tremendous pleasure to announce these promotions to Associate Professor. As you know, these academic promotions mark faculty members’ scholarly achievements and are a hallmark of professional accomplishment in our school. Faculty appointed to Associate Professor have achieved recognition within Duke and at peer institutions as leaders in their fields both nationally and/or internationally.”