Division News

Grand Rounds 5/9/14: Emerging Infections in the Middle East

Medicine Grand Rounds on Fri., May 9 at 8 a.m. in Duke Hospital room 2002 will feature Souha Kanj, MD, FACP, FIDSA, professor of medicine, head of the Division of Infectious Diseases and chair of the Infection Control and Prevention Program at American University of Beirut Medical Center in Beirut, Lebanon. Dr.

Access SoM Yearbooks online, learn history of Duke Division of Infectious Diseases

The Duke University Medical Center Library Archives spring newsletter includes two items worth noting: The DUMC Archives has digitized its collection of Duke University School of Medicine yearbooks, The Aesculapian, which is now available online. The collection consists of 34 volumes spanning more than 60 years, from 1950 to 2013. The yearbooks feature student portraits, essays on notable events or key figures in the medical center's history, and photographs of faculty, staff, clubs and organizations, events and campus buildings over the years.

Voucher program supports unexpected research

CTSA-badgeIn 2012, as John Perfect, MD, studied the inner workings of the genes of Cryptococcus neoformans, a fungus that infects humans and kill 600,000 people a year, he realized he was only looking at half of a problem. “There is always two sides to an infection—the pathogen and the host,” said Dr.