Division News

Research Conference 3/30/2012: Perfect and Tsalik

The Medicine Research Conference returns Fri., March 30 at 12 pm in Duke Hospital 2002 with presentations by John Perfect, MD, professor of medicine and interim chief of the Division of Infectious Diseases, and Ephraim Tsalik, MD, PhD, assistant professor of medicine (Infectious Diseases). Dr. Perfect will present Cryptococcus: The story of sweetness and Dr.

Meet the researcher: Vance Fowler, MD

A lot of what Vance Fowler, MD, associate professor of medicine (Division of Infectious Diseases), needed to learn about running a lab, managing several NIH grants and developing the standardized protocol for the management of a bacterial infection that affects thousands of people each year, he learned from managing the family farm. “It’s 250 years old, and about 650 acres, outside

Meet your chief resident: Eileen Maziarz, MD

Chief Resident Eileen Marziarz, MD, believes that Duke University School of Medicine has the best internal residency program in the country. "The depth and diversity of the people who work here are amazing," said Maziarz. "I'll be having a side conversation with someone about their research, and I think to myself, 'Oh my gosh, that's what you do in your spare time!'" As chief resident of internal medicine for 2011-2012, Maziarz said her goal is to continue to recruit the best group of interns to Duke. In the busy world of a chief resident, that’s one of her easiest tasks.