Division News

New podcast: Voices of Duke Health

The Voices of Duke Health podcast project, led by Anton Zuiker and Jonathan Bae, MD, has released its first four episodes, including an interview with Yousuf Zafar, MD, associate professor of medicine (Medical Oncology), public policy and population health, on hard conversations with patients and their loved ones.

Kamal is the Blue Devil of the Week

Arif Kamal, MD, MHS, MBA, associate professor of medicine (Medical Oncology), business administration and population health sciences, is Duke Today's Blue Devil of the Week.

Patierno honored with Duke University Diversity Award

Steven Patierno, PhD, deputy director of Duke Cancer Institute and professor of medicine (Medical Oncology), pharmacology and cancer biology, and community and family medicine, has received the Diversity Award, one of Duke University's highest honors, in a ceremony led by President Vincent E. Price. 

Duke Global Cancer Request for Applications - Pilot Projects

Duke Global Health Institute and Cancer Institute will provide up to $25,000 direct costs for one year of support for each pilot research project that address issues relating to cancer prevention, diagnosis, or treatment in resource constrained environments. Two pilot projects will be funded. Deadline is July 16, 2018.

5/17/18: Clinical Research Day at Duke

Registration is open for the School of Medicine's Clinical Research Day from 4-7:30 p.m. on May 17 in the Great Hall of the Trent Semans Center.