Chair’s Research Award

The Department of Medicine is pleased to be able to continue to offer the Chair’s Research Award to fund junior investigators in the Department of Medicine who are pursuing a research oriented academic career and planning to submit career development awards.

Application form is at the bottom of the page.

Read more about how recipients have used the funding to further their research.

About the Award


  • The Chair’s Research Award is available to full-time DOM faculty physicians and PhD scientists who have completed their terminal training (residency, fellowship, or post-doc) within four years prior to the award start date in July 2025 (i.e., since July 2021). Residents, fellows, and PhD post-doctoral scientists transitioning to new full-time faculty appointments in the Department of Medicine as of July 2025 are eligible to apply.  The Chair’s Research Award provides protected research time to prepare a successful extramural career development award application.
  • Applicants with diverse backgrounds, or focused on basic research, or with multi-disciplinary projects are encouraged to apply.    
  • The applicant must have approval by the Chair of the proposed appointment in the Department of Medicine at the time of application. The proposed appointment will be included in the departmental plan submitted for approval by the Dean.
  • Investigators funded by a K08, K23, or equivalent career development award, or who have received an R01 or other independent NIH award prior to the start date of the Chair’s Award will not be eligible.
  • Submission of a K08, K23, or equivalent, is required either before or during the funding year.

Funding Mechanism

  • Up to three research proposals across all domains of research will be funded each year depending on the merit of the applications received.
  • Grants are for one year of funding (1 July through 30 June) up to $95,000 in total costs. While the budget is to primarily support protected research time, it can also be used to support research related costs (e.g. supplies or tech support) as appropriate, based on individual research and research needs. 
  • Funding is intended to provide partial salary support and fringe benefits for the applicant. If the budget proposal includes items other than salary support (e.g., supplies), the budget justification needs to clearly state how the applicant’s salary will be supported. In addition, non-salary-related expenses should be appropriately justified. The total funding available for all proposal expenses is $95,000.
  • Applicants who receive alternative funding after announcement of the Chair’s Award or during the tenure of the Chair’s Award may request to re-budget any remaining funds in the Chair’s Award to maintain salary support up to the award amount. A revised budget with detailed justification needs to be submitted to Saini Pillai, MBA for review and approval by the leadership team.  In general, funds may not be re-budgeted to cover items other than the investigator’s salary.
  • Funds need to be used during the year awarded (1 July through 30 June). Any funds not expended during this time will be returned to the Department of Medicine at the end of the grant period.

Application Process

  • Download the application form below.
  • There is a 1 page limit for the Specific Aims and up to 6 pages for the rest of the research.  Application should include the career development plan (1 page limit) to briefly describe your background, plans for career development during the Chair's Research Award, and overall plans for academic research, career development, and career goals.
  • Provide a brief description of the nature of human subjects research if applicable and status of any relevant IRB or regulatory approvals in place to support the proposed research.
  • A mentorship committee of 3 or more individuals is required. 
  • Obtain a letter of support from your primary mentor. This letter needs to state what space and support will be made available to the applicant during the tenure of the Chair’s Award as well as plans for the eventual transition of the applicant to independent investigator status.
  • Obtain a letter from your Division Chief confirming your faculty appointment and stating what additional resources will be made available to support the applicant and the applicant’s research.
  • Download and fill out the form below and attach all application materials as one PDF document.
  • Deadline for applying is March 10, 2025 at 5 p.m.

Competitive process

  • Applications will be reviewed by a panel of senior scientists from the Department of Medicine. 
  • Award notification will occur by May 12, 2025, for funding start date of July 1, 2025.

Progress Reports and Medicine Grand Rounds

  • A mid-year progress report is required by the end of December. This should be brief (less than one page), summarizing progress, any changes in plan/direction, additional awards received and/or pending, and course for the remaining six months of the Award.
  • A final progress report is due by July 31.  This should also be brief, summarizing progress, reporting on any publications or presentations, summarizing grant support received, and future plans.
  • Awardees may be invited to present research at a Chair's conference.

Application form

Please download the application form (an editable .doc file), complete it and save as one PDF file to be uploaded in the submission form below.

Project Contact

For questions regarding these proposal guidelines, eligibility requirements, or for other information related to this award, please contact:

Saini Pillai, MBA
Project Planner
Department of Medicine, Chair's Office