Division News

Grand Rounds 8/10/2012: Advances in Lung Cancer Evaluation and Management

Medicine Grand Rounds on Fri., August 10 at 8am in Duke Hospital room 2002 will feature Momen Wahidi MD, MBA, associate professor of medicine (Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care Medicine) and Jeffrey Crawford, MD, George Barth Geller Professor for Research in Cancer and chief of the Division of Medical Oncology. They will present Return of the Advances in Lung Cancer Evaluation and Management. [toggle title_open="

New award from American Thoracic Society honoring Wright goes to Ledford

Julie Ledford, PhD, assistant professor of medicine (Pulmonary, Allergy and Critical Care Medicine) is the first recipient of the newly established Jo Rae Wright Award for Outstanding Science from the American Thoracic Society. Dr. Ledford had worked in Dr. Wright's lab as a postdoctoral fellow. The award, which is based on demonstrated potential for significant scientific achievement and contributions, was presented during the ATS 2012 Awards Session in May.

Kraft becomes president of American Thoracic Society

Monica Kraft, MD, professor of medicine (Pulmonary, Allergy and Critical Care Medicine), vice chair for research and director of the Duke Asthma, Allergy, and Airway Center, was installed as president of the American Thoracic Society at its annual meeting in San Francisco.
The good news is that the financial climate has changed, and the ATS is poised to grow. I’d like to take advantage of that fact and get some initiatives moving.

Medicine Grand Rounds 4/13/2012: Tobacco issues and strategies

Medicine Grand Rounds on Fri., April 13 at 8am in Duke Hospital room 2002 will feature State Health Director Jeff Engel, MD and Melva Fager Okun, DrPH, senior health promotion manager, NC Prevention Partners, along with Roy Pleasants II, MD, assistant professor of medicine (Pulmonary, Allergy & Critical Care Medicine). They will present Current Tobacco Issues and Strategies. [toggle title_open="Close Me" title_closed="Video archives" hide="yes" border="yes" style="default" excerpt_length="0" read_more_text="Read More" read_less_text="Read Less" include_excerpt_

Abraham, Barkauskus, Karra receive 2012 Chair's Research Award

Mary Klotman, MD, chair of the department, and Monica Kraft, MD, vice chair for research, announced the recipients of the 2012 Chair's Research Award, which funds junior investigators who are making the transition to becoming independent scientists prior to their acquisition of extramural funding. Recipients of the award, and the titles of their research projects:

Dennis Abraham, MD Cardiology Fellow TREK-1 Mediates Diastolic Dysfunction