Division News

GIM Faculty Shine at 2014 SHM Meeting

GIM hospital medicine faculty had an outstanding showing at the 2014 Society of Hospital Medicine meeting in March. GIM faculty presented 20 posters, three of whom were chosen as finalists.

GIM Faculty Receive Teamwork Award

Several GIM faculty received the Duke University Hospital “It Takes a Team” Award for their work on the Duke Outpatient Clinic (DOC) redesign project. Congratulations to them all!

GIM Faculty Publication Receives Editorial

GIM faculty members published a paper in Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes this week: “Do the Benefits of Participation in a Hypertension Self-Management Trial Persist After Patients Resume Usual Care? Matthew L. Maciejewski, Hayden B. Bosworth, Maren K. Olsen, Valerie A. Smith, David Edelman, Benjamin J. Powers, Miriam A. Kaufman, Eugene Z. Oddone, and George L. Jackson. Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes.

Dr. Saumil Chudgar Receives Professionalism Award

Saumil Chudgar, MD recently received a 2013 Practice Course Professionalism Award from Duke University School of Medicine. Saumil was selected by second-year medical students in the Practice Course. The award recognizes exceptional professional behavior in a clinical setting. The Practice Course teaches professionalism, and the goal of the course is to develop physicians who will treat patients with respect. Congratulations, Saumil!

Dr. Chad Kessler receives Duke GME Innovation Award

Chad Kessler, MD received a Duke GME Innovation award for his project, “Patient Outcomes from Consultation Communication Education - The 5 C’s. This project will study the effectiveness of standardizing the way we call and answer consultations. Congratulations, Chad!!

Dr. Maciejewski awarded AHRQ R01 on medication management in Medicare

Matthew Maciejeswski, PhD received an R01 grant from AHRQ, entitled: "Fragmentation in Medication Management in Medicare." This 18 month study will characterize the prevalence, risks and benefits of continuity of medication management on health care and health outcomes among Medicare beneficiaries with multiple co morbid chronic diseases.  Congratulations, Matt!