Division News

Lynch Lecture Series

Dr. Johanna Lynch at Duke.
Dr. Johanna Lynch at Duke.

The Division hosted Australian family doctor Johanna Lynch, PhD MBBS, Grad Cert (Health Sciences), FRACGP FASPM, for a series of five presentations on November 17th-Nov 19th.

2024 GIM Excellence Awards

We are proud to announce the 9th annual GIM Excellence Awards, presented by Interim GIM Division Chief, Dr. Will Yancy and HM Division Chief Noppon Setji on November 14, 2024. There were 12 different categories.

Orlando Leading Clinical Trial on Enhancing Family Health History Collection in Under-Served Populations

Lori Orlando, MD is spearheading an NIH-funded research initiative aimed at improving the use of Family Health History (FHH) in genomic medicine. The study, called the Genomic Medicine Risk Assessment Care for Everyone (GRACE), focuses on developing a scalable solution for integrating FHH-based risk assessments in clinical settings, with particular emphasis on low-resource and low-literacy populations.


Next Educator Cafe - Oct 31!

Please join us for the next quarterly Educator Cafe on Oct 31!  All GIM educators, whether inpatient/outpatient, new to Duke or a seasoned veteran, are welcome.  Faculty are invited to bring projects and topics to this community for discussion and feedback.  We will discuss educator needs related to:

DGIM Presenters at SGIM’s Annual Meeting

The Society for General Internal Medicine’s (SGIM) annual meeting was held in Boston, MA,  May 15-18, 2024.  This year’s meeting theme is Strengthening Relationships and Valuing Our Diversity”.  The meeting featured more than 200 educational sessions and events including Workshops, Clinical Updates, Special Symposia Sessions, Plenary Sessions, Distinguished Professor Talks, Pre-conference In

2024 DGIM Faculty & Resident Awardees

On Thursday, May 2nd, the Department of Medicine (DOM) held its Annual Awards Celebration. We congratulate the following DGIM faculty and residents on receiving the highest distinctions for excellence in education and practice. 

2024 Excellence in Education Award (Excellence in medical education, outstanding leadership, and commitment to the education of fellows, residents, and students)

DGIM Speakers at ACP’s Internal Medicine Annual Meeting

The annual American College of Physicians' Internal Medicine Meeting (IMM) was held in Boston, MA,  April 18-20, 2024.  Internal medicine physicians and subspecialists from around the world attend this premier event.  More than 170 educational offerings were available, including Pre-Courses (full-day courses convened the day before the IMM), Clinical Pearls, Case-based Learning, Clinical Workshops, Clinical Triads, Meet the Professor, and Panel Discussions.  The Clinical Skills Center sessions offer attendees skills-based, hands-on/interactive learning

Dr. Joel Boggan: Rethinking Post-discharge Patient Contacts

Despite wide deployment of post-discharge patient contact strategies and the promise these modes hold for transfers of information and care while avoiding costly subsequent care, many unanswered questions remain about their effectiveness on key health care outcomes. Dr. Joel Boggan shares some enlightening answers in a systematic review of the topic published recently in Annals of Internal Medicine.

Medical Students Enjoy CIMIGro Women in Medicine Panel

Sixty Duke University medical students joined Careers in Internal Medicine Interest Group (CIMIGro) — a student-run organization at Duke University School of Medicine whose purpose is to orient medical students to the field of internal medicine and its sub-specialties — and co-host, the Duke Department of Medicine Chair’s Office, at January’s Women in Medicine Panel at Parizade restaurant.

Centennial Celebration: Driving Duke’s “Outrageous Ambition”

The Duke Department of Medicine (DOM) recently honored the commitment of a few Duke centers and institutes that continue to drive the University’s mantra to honor its “outrageous ambitions,” as articulated by former Duke President and U.S. Senator Terry Sanford when he highlighted Duke medical community’s brilliant reputation and focus on excellence in his 1984 final annual address to faculty. 

COMET Team Examines Clinical Language Use Toward Patients with Opioid Use Disorder

Hospitalists and social workers with Duke’s COMET (Caring for Patients with Opioid Misuse through Evidence-Based Treatment) consulting service teamed on a recent interdisciplinary study that encompasses social work and inpatient medicine to understand providers' use of stigmatizing and affirming language in the electronic health records of patients with opioid use disorder (OUD) hospitalized at Duke. 

Moving Medicine Forward: Department of Medicine Expands to 13 Divisions

The Duke University Department of Medicine (DOM) will expand from 12 to 13 divisions on September 1, 2024 with the creation of the new division of Hospital Medicine. The new division will include all hospitalists and nocturnists who oversee patients in the general medicine wards.