Last update: July 12, 2021 (*new - review articles from Duke Primary Care Teaching Academy and instructional videos about E&M coding)
Click a topic below to view more:
Check back for new additions!
- *One-time HCV screening for all adults aged 18 to 79 years
- JAMA Insights: Genomics and Precision Health
- Overview of Community-Acquired Pnemonia
- USPSTF Recommendation on BRCA Testing
- Screening of US health care workers for latent tuberculosis infection
- A Practical Approach to Low-Dose Aspirin for Primary Prevention
- Aspirin for primary prevention for cardiovascular disease and cancer
- Diagnosis and treatment of C difficile infection
- Cervical cancer screening
- Updated guidelines released on antithrombotic therapy for afib
- Dabigatran recommended for for patients with myocardial injury after non-cardiac surgery
- Vaccination to prevent herpes zoster
- Time window for mechanical thrombectomy after acute ischemic stroke
- New acute ischemic stroke guidelines
Stay up to date on all things happening in Duke GIM; subscribe to our weekly eNewsletter.
Did we miss anything? Send us your favorite clinical resources! Email DGIM Communication Director, Clare Il'Giovine.
*Duke-specific therapeutic guidance for COVID-19 illness via Duke CustomID
Screening for Depression in Adults - US Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Statement
CDC Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain—United States, 2016
Screening for Colorectal Cancer - US Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Statement
Statin Use for the Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease in Adults - US Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Statement
CDC Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain - United States, 2016
Physical Activity Guidelines (U.S. Health and Human Services)
NIH-NIDDK releases 3rd edition of "Diabetes in America"
- Preventive Care Recommendations (UpToDate)
- Clinical Guidelines and Recommendations (ACP)
- Guidelines and Clinical Documents (ACC)
- Clinical Tools Compendium from the Duke Medical Center Library where your will find evidence based sources, drug information, PubMed and other databases. New! Easy access to resources from off-campus via Duke Medical Center Library.
Stay up to date on all things happening in Duke GIM; subscribe to our weekly eNewsletter.
Did we miss anything? Send us your favorite clinical resources! Email DGIM Communications Director, Clare Il'Giovine.
- Durham VA "Across the Street"
- The Curbsiders (CME available for ACP members)
- JN Listen: CME podcast app from JAMA
- More podcasts indexed via the Duke Medical Center Library
Stay up to date on all things happening in Duke GIM; subscribe to our weekly eNewsletter.
Did we miss anything? Send us your favorite clinical resources! Email DGIM Communications Director, Clare Il'Giovine.
- How to access Duke online resources from the Durham VA
- Teaching Observation
- Advanced Strategies for Peer Feedback
- 12 Tips for Peer Observation of Teaching (Z. S. Siddiqui et al.)
Stay up to date on all things happening in Duke GIM; subscribe to our weekly eNewsletter.
Did we miss anything? Send us your favorite clinical resources! Email DGIM Communications Director, Clare Il'Giovine.
- ASCVD Suite - risk calculator
- Clinical Pharmacology - drug resource
- Epocrates - drug & drug Interactions
- GoodRx - drug prices
- Lexicomp - clinical drug information
- MedCalX - medical calculator
- Micromedex - drug info and mechanisms
- UpToDate - mobile version of this medical wikipedia
Stay up to date on all things happening in Duke GIM; subscribe to our weekly eNewsletter.
Did we miss anything? Send us your favorite clinical resources! Email DGIM Communications Director, Clare Il'Giovine.
- Duke Medicine Grand Rounds
- Incorporating MKSAP into your everyday work life & teaching
- CME offered by Duke Primary Care for their members (view in weekly DGIM eNews)
- SYNERGY Population Health Seminar Series
- Other CME programs developed by specialists within the medical center occur throughout the year. Details are available here: Duke Office of Continuing Medical Education.
- CME opportunities beyond Duke:
- JN Listen and JAMA TIME
- Earning CME credit with UpToDate
- From Annals of Internal Medicine
- Twitter Chat sponsored by the Society of Hospital Medicine #JHMChat
Stay up to date on all things happening in Duke GIM; subscribe to our weekly eNewsletter.
Did we miss anything? Send us your favorite clinical resources! Email DGIM Communications Director, Clare Il'Giovine.
Special Topics
- E & M 2021 Education Series: a guide for providers (requires login with Duke NetID)
- Review Articles from Duke Primary Care Teaching Academy, click on Students, then Review Articles, and then look to the right and you will see subject headers used to classify and store the articles in an organized fashion.
- Guide to Mental Health & Parenting Resources - Fall 2020 (requires login with Duke NetID)
- COVID-19 resources
- The Rational Clinical Exam, JAMA evidence-based medicine series edited by DGIM academician, Dr. David Simel
- Care of the Transgender Patient
- Duke Center for Smoking Cessation
- Palliative Care VitalTalk - communication tools for serious illnesses
- CKD management in primary care
- Duke CustomID, for Duke-specific antimicrobial guidance, co-developed by DGIM clinician, Dr. Martha Adams
- Are you a provider in Duke Primary Care? Click here for the DPC intranet repository of special clinical presentations.
- Clinical Tools resources, Duke Medical Center Library
Stay up to date on all things happening in Duke GIM; subscribe to our weekly eNewsletter.
Did we miss anything? Send us your favorite clinical resources! Email DGIM Communications Director, Clare Il'Giovine.