Our Mission

Educating the next generation of researchers and health providers in genomics and precision medicine is part of the fabric of our values at the Duke Center for Precision Medicine. From post-doctoral training programs in genomic research to undergraduate individual and team projects and summer programs, we are committed to providing extraordinary mentorship and educational experiences to future genomic researchers, educators, and clinicians. 


undergraduate guidance

The Duke Precision Medicine Program is pleased to work with undergraduate students interested in gaining first-hand experience about applied genomics and precision medicine. Programs, such as the Snyderman Scholars and Summer Scholars in Genome Sciences & Medicine, are available. Susanne Haga, PhD is the Co-Director of the Summer Scholars in Genome Sciences & Medicine and Snyderman Program and oversees the educational mission of the Duke Precision Medicine Program.

Precision Medicine Forum

The Duke Precision Medicine Program Forum Series features speakers from Duke and beyond working on innovative research in clinical, translational, and basic sciences. The forum is open to attendees internal and external to Duke. 

Q and A Spotlight: Meet the New 2024-2025 Internal Medicine Chief Residents

As the 2024-2025 academic year gets underway and a new cohort of chief residents comes onboard, Department of Medicine (DOM) clinicians and faculty members may notice an extra fresh face among the team members as the Duke Internal Medicine Residency programs expands its number of chief residents from four to five.  

DOM Offers Grant Writing Support for Investigators at All Levels

As a national leader in driving high-impact discoveries in medicine, the Department of Medicine (DOM) has built a research infrastructure that enhances faculty development, mentoring, and funding programs that strengthen the next generation of outstanding investigators.

2024 Resident Match Day: Duke Welcomes Its Newest Intern Class

The Duke Internal Medicine Residency Program and the Duke Department of Medicine congratulate newly matched medical students who participated in the 2024 National Resident Matching Program. We are excited to welcome our new residents.