“Years ago when I was an intern at Duke, I had the pleasure of having Dr. Michael McLeod as an attending physician. I immediately recognized him as a ‘doctor’s doctor.’ I enjoyed our ward rounds immensely. He always taught us without embarrassing us. Upon completion of my residency, I accepted a gastroenterology fellowship at Duke for the opportunity for greater exposure to Dr. McLeod. I dare say that I became a gastroenterologist, the first African American female gastroenterologist in the United States of America, because of the assistance of Dr. McLeod.” -Sadye Curry, MD

“I have had the good fortune to have been guided by many wonderful teachers but none have been more instrumental in developing my career than Dr. Cotton. When I interviewed for fellowship, Dr. Cotton was not scheduled to meet with me but was willing to make time to talk with an aspiring fellow about training at Duke. That ended up being the first of many discussions as a trainee, colleague and friend over the ensuing years. Peter is a master of his craft, and I am honored to have learned from him. To paraphrase Ralph Waldo Emerson, a mentor is someone who will ‘make us do what we can.’ I am the gastroenterologist I am today due to Dr. Cotton’s mentorship.” - Stan Branch, MD

"Michael McLeod was one of the first physicians I met when I matriculated to Duke as a medical student. To this day almost twenty years later, he remains one of the finest physicians I have ever met as well. Early on in my career, he provided a stellar example of what a true academic physician is. I aspire to emulate his academic success. But most of all, I hope to be the amazing physician, mentor, friend, husband, and father that he is." - Julius Wilder, MD PhD

"Susan Henning became my mentor when I was going through a particularly difficult time, trying to discern my place in science and research. I am not sure it was an easy decision for her to accept me as a mentee at the time. All these years later, I am assured that she and I have both come to treasure our mentoring relationship. Susan taught me the importance of being brave. She pushed me to read deeply, think hard, and ask good questions. She showed me how to be tough. Her lessons in persistence, resilience and doing good science have made me the physician scientist that I am today. She is a wonderful example of a mentor who selflessly gives to others in order to ensure that science continues. I am incredibly grateful for her mentorship and I hope to pay that forward to my own mentees.” - Katie Garman, MD