Duke is home to one of the largest endoscopy services in the United States, offering patients a range of endoscopic services from the newest technology and procedures to efficient and patient-friendly colorectal cancer screening at our ambulatory endoscopy centers at Brier Creek and Duke GI of Raleigh. We provide endoscopic services at Duke University Medical Center, Duke Regional Hospital, Duke Raleigh Hospital and the Durham VA Medical Center.
In addition to providing high quality general GI procedures, including colorectal cancer screening at all of our endoscopy sites, we’ve developed advanced endoscopic programs providing specialized procedures and care. These include: ERCP and EUS, Double Balloon Enteroscopy, Third Space Endoscopy, therapeutic general endoscopy, endoscopic management of large polyps, specialized endoscopic evaluation of esophageal disease as well as inflammatory bowel disease.
- For detailed information, please refer to Division Programs.
Duke Gastroenterology performs more than 34,000 procedures each year, including diagnostic and therapeutic upper endoscopy and colonoscopy, small bowel enteroscopy, ERCP, EUS and wireless capsule endoscopy. To ensure effective and safe endoscopic procedures we track and exceed recommended quality indicators.