Advocacy in Clinical Leadership Track


Advocacy in Clinical Leadership Track

The Advocacy in Clinical Leadership Track (ACLT) has been a core part of the Internal Medicine residency program at Duke since 2012. The ACLT is an elective track for second and third year internal medicine residents with an interest in health policy. It does not alter the length or content of residency training. Through collaboration with Duke Government Relations and Duke State Relations, residents develop and present their own advocacy platform each year, alternating Raleigh, N.C. and Washington, D.C. Residents come together during twelve ambulatory weeks per year which include one half day of dedicated weekly academic seminars, covering:

  • Advocacy at the legislative and executive branches
  • The US healthcare system
  • Public health insurance
  • Advocacy by medical organizations
  • Incorporating advocacy into academic careers.

Group work time on platform development.  Resident driven platforms can be viewed here:

  1. Raleigh, NC Advocacy Platform 2023
  2. Washington, D.C. Mental Health Platform 2022
  3. Washington, D.C. Immigration Platform 2022
  4. Raleigh, NC, Advocacy Platform 2021
  5. Washington, D.C., Virtual Advocacy Platform, 2020
  6. Raleigh, NC, Advocacy Platform, 2019
  7. Washington, D.C, Advocacy Platforms, 2018
  8. Raleigh, NC, Advocacy Platform, 2017

The ACLT has evolved significantly since its inception, in response to learner feedback. It is a wonderful opportunity to realize one’s personal impact on the world of health policy. The ACLT track will include approximately 20 residents per year. Residents are asked to express interest in the track during the winter of intern year and submit a brief application for consideration. Please contact with any questions!