Categorical Program
The majority of Duke's Internal Medicine Residents complete the categorical program, a three-year training period that starts with the Internship year and concludes with the Senior Assistant Residency year.
Preliminary Program
Preliminary interns complete the following rotations, structured on the same “4+2” schedule as categorical interns. There is no continuity clinic for preliminary interns, but preliminary interns attend a variety of medical specialty clinics as well as our urgent care setting at the Durham VA Medical Center.
- General medicine wards – three rotations, including time at Duke University Hospital, the Durham VA and Duke Regional Hospital
- Ambulatory medicine – 4+2 block schedule, including specialty and urgent care clinics
- Subspecialty inpatient wards – four rotations, including Cardiology, Neurology, and Malignant Hematology
- Intensive care unit – one rotation
- Emergency Department (Duke University Hospital) – one rotation
The vacation schedule is like that for all other residents, with three weeks throughout the year and an added break either at Christmas or New Year's.
Research Pathways
The ABIM-approved Physician-Scientist Training Program is designed for individuals who have experience in biomedical research, are interested in research development, and wish to develop fundamental skills and expertise to conduct rigorous and original clinical investigation. Beginning in 2018, the Department of Medicine also offers the Duke R38 Research Pathway for residents committed to a career as a physician investigator. This NIH-funded, ABIM-approved opportunity includes a 4-year Internal Medicine residency that incorporates 18-months of protected time for research sponsored by an R38 Stimulating Access to Research in Residency (StARR) grant.
Global Health
The Global Health Pathway develops academic leaders in global health who work to reduce human suffering caused by health disparities.
Health Care Leadership
The Management and Leadership Pathway provides residents with the knowledge and skills essential to bridge clinical practice and management and become skillful and effective physician executives.