Primary Care Concentration
Duke residents planning a career in primary care (whether based in clinical care, health services research, or education) can elect to participate in the Primary Care Concentration (PCC) in their intern year or second year. The PCC includes:
- The same 4+2 scheduling plan as the rest of the program (PGY-1 and PGY-2)
- The option to select TWO of our three continuity clinic sites from the beginning of residency, developing patient panels at both sites. The second continuity clinic site replaces one or two half days of “thread” clinic per week.
- Primary care immersion blocks for two months of the senior year: ambulatory blocks tailored to clinical and leadership topics in primary care, including women’s health, sports medicine, dermatology, and ENT/ophthalmology. Residents also attend primary care focused seminars and primary care quality improvement meetings during this block.
- One-on-one mentoring throughout residency with our APD for ambulatory care, plus at least one additional general internal medicine faculty member based on potential career interest. Guidance on career choice and general medicine fellowship options is included, whether the focus is research, education, or other clinical focus such as women’s health.
- Networking events and journal clubs with faculty in the Division of General Internal Medicine.
- Focused mentoring leading to submission of research posters or clinical vignettes to local (North Carolina American College of Physicians) and national (Society of General Internal Medicine) meetings.
- PCC trainees may also apply for the Advocacy in Clinical Leadership Track (PGY-2 and PGY-3).
- Opportunity to precept junior trainees in continuity clinic during the PGY-3 year as the Duke Regional/Ambulatory Assistant Chief Resident.