Pathway Overview
The POCUS Pathway is a longitudinal, hands-on POCUS curriculum for second and third year residents. Selected applicants are POCUS champions for the residency program and, upon completion of the pathway, will be proficient in the acquisition, interpretation, and integration of POCUS applications relevant to Internal Medicine.
During their JAR year, POCUS champions hone their basic POCUS knowledge and skills by participating in the curriculum outlined below. During their SAR year, POCUS champions further refine these skills while focusing more on the educator role as they supervise scans and conduct POCUS teaching sessions for residents not in the pathway.
Curriculum Components
Workshop and Simulations: POCUS champions participate in a one-day hands-on workshop each year at Duke’s Simulation Center
Gel Rounds: One week dedicated to supervised and independent scanning out of the VA; champions rotate in SAR/JAR pairs, with SAR focusing on an educator role.
Course Educator: SARs have additional opportunities to teach the intern “Introduction to POCUS” course.
POCUS Portfolio: Throughout the two-year pathway, POCUS champions build an image portfolio and receive feedback on their image acquisition and interpretation from course directors.
Interns are invited to apply for the POCUS Pathway during the winter of their PGY1 year. Interested trainees should have a record of excellence in the training program, career interests that align with POCUS applications, and a commitment to medical education.