Division News

Maciejewski Receives CMS Sub-Award

MMaciejewskiCongratulations to Matthew Maciejewski, PhD, who just received a sub-award from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services for a National Committee for Quality Assurance project. “Disparities in Baseline Laboratory Monitoring” is a two-year project that will look for disparities in Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries in baseline monitoring after initiation of metformin and statins.

Beskow Receives Two NIH R01 Awards

BeskowLaura Beskow, PhD, MPH, just received not one, but two NIH R01 awards! “Beyond Data Security: Promoting Confidentiality and Advancing Science” will examine the scope of confidentiality protections related to genome research, as well as how these protections relate to genome prospective participants. “Ethical Approaches to Research Use of Clinical Records and Data” will gather empirical data on patients’ perspectives and feelings on electronic health records.

Faculty Portrait Photo Ops Coming Sept. 23, 26

[caption id="attachment_1442" align="alignright" width="150"] Your Photo Needed?[/caption] The School of Medicine has scheduled opportunities for faculty members to have their portraits taken on Tuesday, Sept. 23 and Friday, Sept. 26. These photos are an important part of both your and the Division's online reputation.

NIH Funding Research in Diabetes Prevention and Treatment

NIH logoThe NIH have issued a funding opportunity announcement to support research evaluating large-scale health-care delivery policies or programs that influence diabetes prevention and care. The goal is to support research that meaningfully informs clinical practice and health policy related to prevention or management of diabetes. Read more.

Burroughs Wellcome Fund Offering $700,000 Career Awards

Burroughs-Wellcome-FundThe Burroughs Wellcome Fund is seeking nominations for its Career Awards for Medical Scientists (CAMS) program, which provides $700,000 over five years for physician-scientists to bridge advanced postdoctoral or fellowship training and the early years of faculty service.

DoD Funding Workshop Open for Registration

DoD logoHave you ever wondered whether your research might be eligible to Department of Defense (DoD) funding, or wanted to know more about how to pitch your research? If so, attend the free workshop on Department of Defense (DoD) research funding will be held on Tuesday, September 30, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Faculty Spotlight: Santanu Datta

S DattaThis week’s faculty spotlight shines on Santanu Datta, PhD, MBA, who talks the future of telemedicine, how his two business degrees influence his research, and developing interventions to reduce alcohol consumption in people with hepatitis C. How long have you been at Duke?

NIH Funding Research in Obesity and Asthma: Awareness and Management

NIH logoThe NIH is funding research examining the relationship between asthma, obesity and self-management. Although the association between asthma and obesity has has been found in many studies, the exact mechanisms for how this association arises are unresolved to include self-management and achieving control.