Division News

Recent DGIM promotions

15 faculty members from Duke General Internal Medicine have been recently promoted to Assistant Professor!

Triathlon becomes duathlon for 3 Duke docs

Three physicians from Duke were entered a local Triathlon that, last minute, changed to Duathlon because of storms: Sharon Rubin (GIM), Jeff Clough (GIM), and Don Hegland (Cardiology). These doctors took the race by storm though, finishing 2nd and 3rd in their age groups.

Announcing New Palliative Care Advocacy Award

The Duke Center for Palliative Care is pleased to announce a new annual award to recognize palliative care excellence outside of specialist palliative care services.  The Palliative Care Advocacy Award will honor members of the Duke Health community who are NOT part of Duke’s palliative care program who demonstrate an exceptional commitment to integrating the key elements of palliative care into their daily work. 

Duke Hospitalists @ Hospital Medicine 2017

There were 4,500 registrants for this year's annual conference, "Hospital Medicine 2017," presented by the Society of Hospital Medicine. The presence of our DGIM hospitalists was evident via presentations, research abstracts, and leadership.

Peyser presents on teaching millennials

Bruce Peyser, MD, Professor of Medicine in General Internal Medicine, recently spoke at the 2017 Washington, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana, Idaho (WWAMI) Faculty Development Conference in Big Sky, Montana. 

Casarett gives TED Talk on medical marijuana

Chief of Palliative Care, Dr. David Casarett, was recently featured in a video on TEDMED, an independent health and medicine edition of the famous TED conference. His segment is entitled, "A doctor's case for medical marijuana". 

Duke SGIM 2017 Presentations

A complete list of Duke presentations that took place at the SGIM 2017 Annual Meeting in Washington, DC, April 19-22, 2017.

DGIM advocates on Capitol Hill

The day before the March for Science in Washington, DC, a group of faculty, residents, and medical students led by Drs. Daniella Zipkin and Patrick Hemming, headed to Capitol Hil to advocate for strengthening Medicaid.