Division News

Faculty Spotlight: Amy Corneli, PhD

Meet Amy Corneli, PhD, Associate Professor of Medicine. Before coming to Duke General Internal Medicine a year and a half ago, most of her research was conducted outside of the U.S., primarily sub-Saharan Africa but also in the Middle East and Asia. Her main area of expertise has been biomedical HIV Prevention. Get to know more about Dr.Corneli in our interview. 

Ubel authors more in Forbes Health

Peter Ubel, MD, a Duke physician and behavioral scientist, frequently contributes to Forbes (Health Information and Health News) online articles. The articles discuss popular relevant topics. Here are his four most recent contributions. 


Last week the Society of General Internal Medicine (@SocietyGIM) hosted it’s first “live twitter chat." No surprise, Dr. Joel Boggan (@JoelBoggan), a Duke GIM internist, checked in.

7 from Medicine accepted to ALICE leadership program

School of Medicine Office for Faculty Development has announced the next class in its ALICE program, a leadership development opportunity for mid-career women faculty in the School of Medicine. Seven participants in the next class are from the Department of Medicine.

DGIM group in Annals of IM

This week the main results of a large NIH-funded trial on primary care-based interventions for osteoarthritis (OA), led by multiple GIM investigators, was published in Annals of Internal Medicine.

Lantos' radio segment on recent influenza study

Paul Lantos, MD, was recently interviewed about his study on influenza illness in North Carolina on Living on Earth,  the weekly environmental news and information program distributed by Public Radio International.

Williams contributes to national marijuana report

This week saw release of a comprehensive report about the health impacts of marijuana, a massive consensus study delivered by a U.S. federal advisory panel. Of the 16 committee experts on this panel, Professor John Williams, MD, of Duke General Internal Medicine participated.