Five in Medicine Receive School of Medicine Faculty Awards
Four Department of Medicine faculty members have been named recipients of the 2022 Duke University School of Medicine (SOM) faculty awards.
Dept. of Medicine Diversity & Inclusion Loan Repayment Program Announced
The Duke Department of Medicine (DOM) is pleased to announce the Loan Repayment Program to Promote Diversity and Inclusion in Medicine (LRPDIM Award).
This award is part of a series of mentored career development opportunities offered by the DOM and is designed to fund underrepresented minorities in medicine who, as a group, are disproportionately impacted by student loans. This financial burden impedes retention, recruitment, and diversification of research faculty in the DOM.
Loretta Que, MD, receives 2022 Neil L. Spector Art of Medicine Award
The Department of Medicine is pleased to announce that Loretta Que, MD, professor of medicine and Interim Chief, Division of Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care Medicine, is the 2022 recipient of the annual Neil L. Spector Art of Medicine Award, which recognizes exemplary mentorship practices in clinical and translational research.
Task Force Looks at New Second-Year PIONEER Program
The Department of Medicine (DOM) is creating a taskforce charged with developing the internal medicine component of a new program called outPatient Integrated lONgitudinal ExpERience, or PIONEER, for second-year medical students.
The goal of PIONEER is to increase their experience with the outpatient practice of general internal medicine and its subspecialties, as well as increase opportunities for faculty to teach medical students in the clinic setting.
Duke School of Medicine Ranks Fifth in Nation for Internal Medicine
The Duke University Internal Medicine program ranks No. 5 among 124 medical schools nationally in the 2023 U.S. News & World Report graduate program rankings released on March 30. The Duke University School of Medicine ranked No. 6 for research programs and many other departments at Duke were also ranked very highly.
Residency Match Day 2022 Results Announced
The Duke Internal Medicine Residency Program and the Duke Department of Medicine congratulate newly matched medical students who participated in the 2022 National Resident Matching Program. We are especially excited to welcome our newest intern class! We cannot wait for you to join us here in Durham.
The Mystery of Long COVID: Brain Fog, Fatigue, Even Sexual Dysfunction
By Steve Hartsoe
Thousands of COVID-19 survivors continue to grapple with symptoms many months after they were first infected. Brain fog, fatigue, even sexual dysfunction are among the symptoms people endure weeks and months after their acute COVID symptoms fade.
On some occasions, the virus reveals a pre-existing disease or causes another to inflict the patient.
But there is still much unknown about so-called long COVID, which ongoing research at Duke University and elsewhere aims to clarify.
Taylor Takes on New Role of Associate Vice Chair for Global Health Research
Steve M. Taylor, MD, MPH, associate professor of medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases, and associate research professor of global health, is taking on the new position of Associate Vice Chair for Global Health Research in the Department of Medicine effective March 1, 2022.
Robert M. Califf Confirmed as Commissioner for the US Food and Drug Administration
Robert M. Califf, MD, Duke University adjunct professor of medicine (cardiology) and former director of the Duke Clinical Research Institute (DCRI), has been confirmed as commissioner for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration following a vote by the Senate today. Califf’s appointment to the position will mark his second time heading the agency, which he also led during the final year of former President Barack Obama’s administration.