Division News

Annals of Behavioral Medicine publishes Voils' research on behavioral interventions

C. VoilsAnnals of Behavioral Medicine featured research by Corrine Voils, PhD, Matthew Maciejewski, PhD, William Yancy, MD, and other authors in its December issue. "Approaches for Informing Optimal Dose of Behavioral Interventions" examined the strengths and weaknesses of various approaches that can inform the duration, frequency, and amount of behavioral interventions in different types of research.

Faculty spotlight: Jane Gagliardi, MD

jane-p.gagliardiJane Gagliardi, MD has been a faculty member for both the division of general Internal medicine and the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences for the past decade. In this week’s faculty spotlight, Gagliardi talks to us about how her training in both areas informs her practice, teaching evidence based medicine, and being a competitive lap swimmer.

Up to $50,000 available for collaborative research with SNU

Shiv Nadar University and Duke have issued a request for proposals (RFP) for research projects that build collaborative interdisciplinary research between both universities. This RFP will offer pilot funds for this collaborative research, which investigators may then use to obtain preliminary findings and larger sources of external funding. The RFP will offer up to $25,000 per year for two years; proposals are due by March 31. This year’s RFP has a focus on the intersection of global health and urbanizations, but other interdisciplinary topics may also be eligible.

CSDS offering free training and mentoring program in stroke disparities

The Center for Stroke Disparities Solutions (CSDS) is offering free training and mentoring programs for junior faculty interested in stroke-related disparities. The two-week program will be held this summer in New York City, with resources and faculty from both NYU Langone Medical Center and Columbia University Medical Center; funding for travel and accommodations will be available. Sessions will include coursework, grant-writing sessions, mentoring sessions, and opportunities for collaborative research between mentors and mentees.

AAHPM selects Webb as inspiring leader in hospice and palliative medicine

Jason Webb, MDThe American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine (AAHPM) has selected Jason Webb, MD, as an inspiring Hospice and Palliative Leader under the age of 40. Candidates were evaluated based on their work within the AAHPM, educating others within the field, participating in charitable work, mentoring of residents or students, and other professional accomplishments.