Division News

GIM faculty spotlight: Jason A. Webb, MD

Jason A. Webb, MD talks about providing an integrated approach to palliative care and psychiatry, his travels through Kenya, and his home life as a father, green thumb and poet.

Philanthropies announce new program to support early-career scientists

Three of the nation’s largest philanthropies – the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and the Simons Foundation – have announced a new partnership to provide much needed research support to outstanding early-career scientists in the United States.

Through the new Faculty Scholars Program, the philanthropies will invest a total of $148 million in research support over the program’s first five years.

Faculty spotlight: Megan E. Brooks, MD, MPH

Megan Brooks, MD, MPH is a medical instructor in the Department of Medicine. She teaches second-year medical students, coordinates care plans, helps develop the curriculum for the Duke Physician Assistant (PA) hospital medicine rotation, and sees patients with everything from heart failure to complications of knee replacement.

Boulware named CTSA contact principal investigator

Dean Nancy Andrews, MD, PhD, has announced that L. Ebony Boulware, MD, MPH, chief of the Division of General Internal Medicine, will serve as the contact principal investigator for Duke’s Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), effective March 1, 2015. Dr.