Division News

GIM excellence awards - nominate a colleague!

Duke General Internal Medicine is announcing a new awards program to honor the outstanding achievements of our Division Faculty and Staff Members in Clinical Care, Education, Research, Implementation and Professionalism. 

Perlman featured in Arthritis Today magazine

Many Americans these days are finding ways to treat symptoms using a nondrug treatment such as acupuncture, chiropractic care, or massage therapy. Just recently, Arthritis Today magazine, featured an article on these treatments called “Hands-on Healing”.

Bosworth and Diamantidis share DKD research

Type 2 diabetic kidney disease (DKD) is the major cause of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) in the United States and is a growing global health concern accounting for over half of all new cases and over $10 billion in medical expenditures each year. While many people with diabetes do not develop kidney disease, those who do have very poor outcomes. Among those with DKD, about 60% have uncontrolled hypertension that increases the risk of ESRD, cardiovascular events and death.