Division News

Faculty Spotlight: Sutoidem Akpanudo, MBBS, PhD

Sutoidem Moses Akpanudo, MBBS, PhD, known as "Suto" to his colleagues, is an Assistant Professor of Medicine in our division and is a hospitalist at Duke University Hospital. Learn more about Dr. Akpanudo in our interview below. 

What brought you to Duke?
I came to Duke hospital Medicine for the opportunity to engage in research as an academic hospitalist. I was also drawn to the area by the family friendly environment of the Research Triangle area

Orlando receives R01 grant to study genomics in unique populations

Dr. Lori Orlando, Professor of Medicine (General Internal Medicine), has been awarded $3.8 million in funding for a research grant (R01) titled “Deploying a genomic-medicine risk assessment model for diverse primary care populations and settings” from the National Human Genome Research Institute, National Institutes of Health. 

Duke GIM at CLIC Conference

The Duke Division of General Internal Medicine once again had great representation at the Consortium of Longitudinal Integrated Clerkships (CLIC) this year. While the original plan for CLIC was to be in South Africa, the conference was moved to virtual. The hosts in Stellenbosch, South Africa, still grounded the conference in place and principles, sharing the concept of “Ubuntu”, which translates as, “a person is a person through other persons”.

CAGPM Spotlight: Cameron Miller, PhD

Cameron Miller, PhD, recently joined CAGPM as a Biostatistician III. To get to know Dr. Miller a little more, we asked him the following questions:

CAGPM Spotlight: Cameron Miller, PhD

Cameron Miller, PhD, recently joined CAGPM as a Biostatistician III. To get to know Dr. Miller a little more, we asked him the following questions: