Division News

Peyser Wins Excellence in Teaching Award

Bruce PeyserBruce Peyser, MD, is a recipient of the 2014 Faculty Education Award, given to recognize his excellence and leadership in medical education in the ambulatory setting. Previous GIM ambulatory medicine recipients of this award were Drs Lynn Bowlby (2013),  Daniella Zipkin, (2012), and Larry Greenblatt (2011). Congratulations, Dr. Peyser!

RFA: Comparative Health System Performance in Accelerating PCOR Dissemination (U19)

The AHRQ invites applications for Centers of Excellence to identify, classify, track, and compare healthcare delivery systems ranging from integrated delivery systems to Accountable Care Organizations to help improve CER-recommended practices. This program will to identify, characterize, and classify types of delivery systems and to compare the performance (quality and resource use) of health care delivery systems responsible for a broad spectrum of the patients’ care. Read more.

ASN Offering Bennett Clinical Scholars Program

ASN logoThe American Society of Nephrology is accepting applications for the William and Sandra Bennett Clinical Scholars program. This program will support nephrology educators with $50,000 a year for up to two years to conduct a project to advance facets of nephrology education and teaching. Applications are due by Monday, July 7.

Faculty Spotlight: James A. Tulsky, MD

210_TulskyJames2011For this week's faculty spotlight, we talk to Dr. James A. Tulsky about the history and future of palliative care, patient-provider communication, and fly fishing.

Chatterjee Receives KL2 Award

ChatterjeeRaneeDr. Ranee Chatterjee received a KL2 award to study the effects of dietary potassium on diabetes incidence among African Americans. Congratulations, Dr. Chatterjee!

Bowlby Wins 2014 Ambulatory Teaching Award

BowlbyDr. Lynn Bowlby just won the 2014 Ambulatory Medicine Teaching Award. The Internal Medicine House Staff presents this award to the faculty member who best exemplifies commitment and excellence to teaching in ambulatory medicine. Congratulations, Dr. Bowlby!

Edelman Awarded Best Abstract by AcademyHealth

210_EdelmanDavidAcademyHealth gave Dr. David Edelman an award for his abstract. “Randomized Trial in Community Practices of Diabetes and Hypertension Nurse Behavior Management,” was awarded best abstract in the complex chronic illness category. Congratulations, Dr. Edelman!