DCMRC Cardiovascular MR Practicum

The DCMRC provides a twice-yearly practicum that provides the participant with an understanding of the principles of magnetic resonance imaging, safety issues in performing cardiac MR, and imaging protocols currently available for the evaluation of the structure and function of the cardiovascular system. Case presentations, one-on-one discussion, and observation of actual patient imaging will be emphasized. This course fulfills the SCMR requirements for Level 1 (Track B) and is applicable toward Level 2 certification and is aligned with the content for future CMR Board Exams. For more information, contact Michele Parker (michele.parker@duke.edu, 919-668-1671). 

Practicum montage
Left: DCMRC Faculty, Dr. Han Kim discussing T2* imaging at the 2022 Spring Practicum. Middle:Dr. Jay Campbell presenting on the congenital heart disease during the 2022 Spring Practicum. Right: DCMRC director, Dr. Raymond Kim describing contrast mechanisms in delayed-enhancement imaging.

Spring 2025 Session

The Duke Cardiovascular MR Practicum and Board Review course will be April 28th - May 2nd, 2025 


Course Brochure   |   Registration


For questions regarding the practicum and other Duke CMR educational offerings, contact Michele Parker (michele.parker@duke.edu, 919-668-1671)

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