Excellence in Basic, Translational, and Clinical Research
The Duke Division of Cardiology has a long-standing tradition of excellence in basic science, translational, and clinical research. Our research efforts have markedly expanded in recent years. This growth coincides with the development of new genomics and genetics initiatives.
Results from basic science and epidemiological studies are translated into well-designed clinical trials, ultimately leading to the development of new therapies for cardiovascular disease.
Duke faculty lead and collaborate with other physician-scientists nationwide in many of the clinical trials that define the evidence base for practice.
As clinical findings are integrated into patient management, we monitor progress through a number of quality measures, including the CRUSADE national quality-improvement initiative.
Research Highlights
- Duke advances knowledge about treatment of valvular disease through such efforts as the Duke Valve Surgery Database, which follows 9,000 patients undergoing surgery for valve disease.
- Duke is beginning to offer trials that include cardiac cell therapies such as myoblast and bone marrow stem-cell therapies to regenerate damaged heart tissue to help patients who have exhausted other treatment options.
- Duke Cardiology investigates the genomic, genetic, proteomic, and metabolomic factors that influence cardiovascular disease, related conditions, and drug efficacy, with the goal of finding ways to predict, prevent, and treat heart disease based on individual characteristics. Examples of findings include discovery of a gene linked to early-onset heart disease and development of a drug that inhibits it.
The Duke Cardiovascular Research Center promotes creativity and innovation in understanding the molecular pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease and fosters translational opportunities that will lead to new diagnostic and therapeutic advances.