Division News

JCI's Conversation with Giants in Medicine: Robert Lefkowitz, Joseph Goldstein, and Michael Brown

Three of medicine's most charismatic giants (Robert Lefkowitz, Joseph Goldstein, and Michael Brown) interview each other. Robert Lefkowitz, MD, James B. Duke Professor of Medicine (Cardiology) and Biochemistry, is known for his seminal discoveries in understanding G protein-coupled receptor function. The legendary partnership between Brown and Goldstein (University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center) has spanned four decades.

NCBiotech grant goes to consortium led by Ginsburg, to explore state's leadership in personalized medicine

The North Carolina Biotechnology Center has awarded a $100,000 grant to explore the state’s readiness for a Center of Innovation (COI) to help capitalize on the growing field of personalized medicine. The grant goes to a statewide consortium of business and academic institutions, represented by Geoff Ginsburg, MD, PhD, professor of medicine (Cardiology) and executive director of the Duke Center for Personalized Medicine.

Stead Rounds with Manesh Patel

Manesh Patel, MD, assistant professor of medicine (Cardiology), speaks with Duke residents as part of the Stead Attending Rounds at Duke University Hospital. Dr. Patel and this photo were featured in an Associated Press article about a research study investigating renal denervation. Read more in this Palm Beach Post article. (AP Photo/Gerry Broome)

Emeritus professor Whalen, former chief of Internal Medicine, has died

Dean Nancy Andrews, MD, PhD, shared with the faculty of the School of Medicine today the news that Robert E. Whalen, MD, professor emeritus of medicine, passed away on April 25 after an extended illness. He was 81. Dr. Whalen trained as an intern, and completed his residency and fellowship in cardiology at Duke. He was a clinical cardiologist from 1961 to 1992, and will be remembered as one of the doctors who helped shape the Duke clinical practice in the late 1970’s and throughout the 1980’s. He became a professor of medicine in 1974.