Division News

Helping the Heart to Repair Itself

As a cardiologist, Ravi Karra, MD, sees firsthand the suffering heart failure causes. Many of his patients eventually need heart transplants, which save lives but bring a new set of problems, including fistfuls of daily pills to prevent rejection. “Wouldn’t it be great if instead of needing a new heart, you could repair the one you already have?” asks Karra.

Learning from People who Recover from Heart Failure

For most people, heart failure is a terminal condition but not for everyone. With a grant from Translating Duke Health, Ravi Karra, MD, is bringing together Duke researchers from basic scientists to clinical researchers to try to find biomarkers that can identify these patients and improve patient outcomes.

5/17/18: Clinical Research Day at Duke

Registration is open for the School of Medicine's Clinical Research Day from 4-7:30 p.m. on May 17 in the Great Hall of the Trent Semans Center.